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Boy with autism becomes running star - Nurture Smart

Boy with autism becomes running star

Boy with autism becomes running star

John, a boy born with severely disabling autism, finds social interactions extremely difficult. For years, his mother was uncertain how to help him. Finally, John was introduced to a man named Jeff Hancock, who is a one-on-one specialist who has dedicated his life to working with kids with autism. One day, Jeff had the idea to introduce John to the Special Olympics. His mother worried about him competing- would the crowds overwhelm him? Would he be able to finish his race?

As it turns out, John is a natural athlete. He is 19 years old, and he has already earned gold medals for his runs. Although for John, winning means little, his mother explains that the smile on his face when he runs is the best win of all. The Special Olympics provide an excellent opportunity to help children with disabilities shine.

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